Meningitis Now

Ray Richardson

Ray Richardson

Ray Richardson

My Story

In April 2023 everyone lost a big part of there life, especially his Wife Rochelle and his beautiful 3 boys Reuben , Marley , Ezra and his loving family and friends. Due to an awful bacterial infection of Meningitis. For this I'm running to raise every penny to go towards this amazing charity. 

Meningitis Now

Raising for:

Meningitis Now


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

In April 2023 everyone lost a big part of there life, especially his Wife Rochelle and his beautiful 3 boys Reuben , Marley , Ezra and his loving family and friends. Due to an awful bacterial infection of Meningitis. For this I'm running to raise every penny to go towards this amazing charity.